OverTheWire.org - Behemoth - Level 0 Writeup

After finishing Narnia, the next challenge is Behemoth.
For this challenge there are no source code to inspect.

The level 0 is pretty easy.
The vulnerable executable /behemoth/behemoth0 asks for a password

If we search with strings command we find some interesting things but none of them is working:

behemoth0@behemoth:~$ strings  /behemoth/behemoth0
behemoth0@behemoth:~$   /behemoth/behemoth0
Password: unixisbetterthanwindows
Access denied..
behemoth0@behemoth:~$ /behemoth/behemoth0
Password: followthewhiterabbit
Access denied..
behemoth0@behemoth:~$ /behemoth/behemoth0
Password: followthewhiterabbit
Access denied..

So let's try with ltrace:

behemoth0@behemoth:~$ ltrace  /behemoth/behemoth0
__libc_start_main(0x80485b1, 1, 0xffffd784, 0x8048680 <unfinished ...>
printf("Password: ")                                                                             = 10
__isoc99_scanf(0x804874c, 0xffffd68b, 0xf7fc5000, 13Password: AAA
)                                            = 1
strlen("OK^GSYBEX^Y")                                                                            = 11
strcmp("AAA", "eatmyshorts")                                                                     = -1
puts("Access denied.."Access denied..
)                                                                          = 16
+++ exited (status 0) +++

The vulnerable program compares the input with the string eatmyshorts.
Now use it and get a privileged (level 1) shell:

behemoth0@behemoth:~$   /behemoth/behemoth0
Password: eatmyshorts
Access granted..
$ id
uid=13001(behemoth1) gid=13000(behemoth0) groups=13000(behemoth0)
$ cat /etc/behemoth_pass/behemoth1

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